Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winterize your home!

With all of this wintery weather and temperatures dipping well below freezing, it’s time to start winterizing your homes here in Buffalo!
Here are some tips to follow:
Insulate your home- Be sure to install your storm windows or to keep windows covered indoors with plastic insulation (it will help keep the cold air out and the warm air in!)
Heating supplies- Be sure to have your chimneys cleaned and inspected and your heaters serviced and inspected for optimum performance and safety.
Pets- Be sure to move your pets indoors and make sure that they have access to non-frozen drinking water.
Running water- If you know your pipes have a tendency to freeze, let water trickle to prevent freezing and bursting.
Emergency supply kit- Be sure to have 3 days of non-perishable food for you and your family on hand (remember a can opener!), 3 gallons of bottled water for each person in your household, a first aid kit and extra medications, a battery operated radio, warm clothing and sanitation items.  For more tips on building a kit or to buy a kit, visit us online!
Alarms- Make sure that all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms have batteries and are located in the central locations in your home.
For more tips and information about how to deal with the winter weather here in Buffalo, visit our Chapter online.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information! It's a pain, but we sometimes have forgotten our pipes in the past. I found another helpful blog that I thought I'd share. Thanks!
