Imagine having someone cook for you for years and never
seeing their face. For nine years, Helen
didn’t know who Darlene was. They didn’t even know each other’s names. Then, on
one March morning the two met and ate together. It was a literal depiction of the
Meals on Wheels program in motion.
Darlene Wilcox, Red Cross Cook Speaks with the Media |
Darlene has been a cook for the American Red Cross for nine
years and Helen has been a client that entire time. Darlene graciously accepted
an invitation as did Helen to sit down and eat a meal together Darlene herself
helped cook. This meeting illustrated the impact of one person and one
partnership in the lives of some many others.
How does the partnership work? The American Red Cross cooks
prepare and package the meals. Visiting Nurse Service volunteer drivers deliver
the meals to hundreds of clients in the area. More than 1,500 people were
served more than 250,000 meals last year. What better way to show that
collaboration than having this meeting?
If you want to see the actual story, the four major news
stations in Rochester covered the meeting. The links to the story are below.