Thursday, February 10, 2011

A burrito in your emergency kit?!

What in the world is that? Tinfoil? A burrito? All valid answers.
But the correct answer is… a survival blanket! 
These blankets are tough, durable, waterproof and totally compact. Granted, they are quite noisy--imagine wrapping your body in tinfoil!  But unlike tinfoil, these blankets are made of mylar.... Much like everyone’s favorite birthday balloons.  Because of this, when wrapped up in one of these blankets, up to 90% of your body heat is reflected back to you, so if you’re without a heater, you can become your own personal one!
Now of course, no one would ever replace their favorite warm and fluffy blankets on the couch with these, but they're a great tool to have in your car or emergency kit. And in this cold and wet weather, you'll appreciate having one around if your car breaks down.
Wondering what else you should be keeping in your emergency kit to be prepared? Check out some of our suggestions online for making a kit and getting prepared or visit our store to purchase your own kit!

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