Friday, August 8, 2014

Elizabeth Cady Stanton students help Penn Yan Children

Mrs. Pucino’s third grade classroom at Elizabeth Cady Stanton Elementary School in Seneca Falls participated in one final act of kindness prior to the start of the summer vacation.  The children followed the local news in their classroom about the flooding in Penn Yan in May.  Many homes and businesses suffered significant damage and families lost many personal belongings.

With the help and encouragement of their teacher Mrs. Pucino, the students collected stuffed animals and toys for the boys and girls in Penn Yan so they would have something to call their own.  One of the students and an American Red Cross volunteer then delivered those items to the boys and girls. For their act of kindness and selflessness, the students along with Mrs. Pucino received a certificate from the American Red Cross on the final day of school, thanking them for “making a difference”.

Mrs. Pucino retired from the Seneca Falls School District this past June after 40 years of service.  During that time she shared the importance of always using both your head and your heart.  Her classroom did just that!  They used their head to find a project which met a need and their hearts to make sure the project was a success for those counting on them.  These students followed the example and the mission of the Red Cross of alleviating human suffering by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. We thank them and look forward to them becoming future Red Cross volunteers!


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