Friday, November 30, 2018

Volunteer Spotlight: College Students

We are starting a new segment! We have collected testimonials from students who have made their mark in the American Red Cross organization around the Greater Buffalo Area. These students have been able to create a balance between giving back to their community and their studies. We look forward to sharing their experiences with you.

The first volunteer we are going to spotlight Nathalia Rosado-Oliveras. She is now 22 years old and here is her story:
Nathalia Rosado-Oliveras was involved with CPR training and first aid.
 We encourage you to take the steps for early preparation.
 Click here to sign up today! 
"I first became a Red Cross volunteer when I was 14 year old. I had just moved to Rochester, NY from Puerto Rico a few months before a lady from the Red Cross, Mrs. Liz Cinquino, visited one of my ESL classes to speak and give information about the Next Generation Leadership Program the Red Cross had (or has). I had some interest on the program because I was completely new to the area, didn’t know many people and my English was very limited, but Mrs. Cinquino knew Spanish. I then started going to the program on Wednesdays with about three (3) other students. I continued going to that program from 9th grade up to (I think) 11th grade. During that program I learned leadership skills, obtained my CPR certification, did community service activities such as creating a garden in an elementary school that is located behind James Monroe HS (my former HS) in honor of a soldier that has just passed away and whose family is from Rochester. I also participated in an emergency preparedness trainings in which we then trained elementary school students as well as a group of elder women that lived in a care home. I also participated on blood drives, represented the Red Cross at the Puerto Rican Fest parade, thanksgiving dinners for those in need, post card for soldiers, among other activities. In 10th grade, Mrs. Cinquino together with a Monroe HS counselor and an ESL teacher as mentors guided a group of students and me to create a Red Cross club in our school. One of the biggest things and most notable activity we did as a club was host blood drives in our school and inform students of the importance of donating blood. I was part of this club for 3 years in which I was vice-president for the first year and president for the last two years. I continued being part of the Red Cross the last 2 years of my college career. Being a member of the Red Cross meant being part of community that seeks to help those that most need it. I gained skills, experiences, and knowledge that I would probably not have gained if it wasn’t for the Red Cross. It meant continuous learning and a family to me overall. "

We wanted to thank Nathalia for her donation of time and services to the community. We hope you continue to stay involved with the organization and serve your community. We wish you luck in all your future endeavors!!!!

Hannah Dunlap, Communications Volunteer

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