Friday, June 21, 2024

On a path to saving lives: 16-year-old marks third blood donation

At 16 years old, Jupiter Brady-McCullough is at an exciting crossroads in life. A junior in high school, the Ithaca resident is just beginning to consider college and different career paths, including an EMT certification – and this past December, they embarked on an unexpected journey when a Red Cross blood drive was held at their school.

“I was excited because I’m kind of getting to the age where you can do some things that you couldn’t really do before. So, when I learned that you could donate at 16, I thought, ‘Oh, cool! Another thing to try!’ I definitely knew it would be useful to someone and it was my hope that it would make someone feel better.”

Despite some first-time jitters, Brady-McCullough deemed the appointment a success, thanks to a “pretty decent” snack spread and the fact that they may or may not have missed a less than favorite class (shhh), but it was the information they received after the appointment that started Brady-McCullough on a new path to help patients in need.  

“I got super interested in blood donations. I started researching it a bunch, and then I found out my blood type and I was like, ‘Oh this is so interesting!’ Then I sort of started ranting to my friend group about it and got them to start donating, too.”

Brady-McCullough also made a point to download the Red Cross Blood Donor app which allows users to schedule and manage appointments, track your blood journey and save time at appointments with RapidPass. By using the app, they were able to learn their blood type which set them up on the path for their next blood donation this past winter.

“I read somewhere that I read A-positive is a good platelet donation type, but there was nowhere near me that has that technology stuff and I wanted to see how it was. So, I asked my mom if we were going to Costco soon, because there was a Red Cross place in Rochester to donate platelets. My mom told me when we were going to Costco and I looked at the schedule, made an appointment and I went there and I watched a movie while my family shopped, and that was an even better experience.”

Every two seconds, someone in the United States is in need of lifesaving blood or platelets and volunteer donors like Brady-McCullough are the only source. In fact, approximately 29,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day in the U.S., and nearly 5,000 units of platelets, that must be used within five days of a donation, are needed daily. Platelets form the clotting component in blood and are vital to the treatment of patients battling cancer, chronic diseases and traumatic injuries.

With such a finite shelf life, the need for blood is constant but supply can’t always meet demand because only about 3% of age-eligible people roll up a sleeve to donate yearly. Heading into the summer season, the American Red Cross critically needs blood as severe weather and record-breaking travel are expected to continue to impact the ability of donors to give.  

On June 4, Brady-McCullough made their third appointment to donate blood alongside friend Ava, with no plans to stop any time soon.

“I like the feeling of it, to be honest. Spending my time doing something that would positively impact someone’s life. It gave me a little surge of happiness. Something about blood donation is like, ‘Here I am, and I am helping someone else in their life.’ I think it is one of the better decisions I’ve made in my life and I think it’s an easy enough thing to fit into your schedule. And if I hear of another Costco trip, I’ll be like, ‘Hey, let’s go!’”

You can help patients in need this summer by making blood donation a priority, just like Jupiter, by visiting, calling 1-800 RED CROSS, or using the free Red Cross Blood Donor app.

Written by: Meg Rossman, Regional Communications Manager, American Red Cross of WNY

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Memorial Day: Remember the Fallen

Memorial Day is an emotional day for those of us who have lost loved ones who paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. Military members, whether enlisted by draft or by volunteering, have served with the concept of unlimited liability. They were subjected to being lawfully ordered into harm’s way. Unfortunately, not all who died in service to our country are remembered. World War I counted over 116,000 American fatalities in combat, disease, or accident.

As a retired military member, I serve the veteran community. In this work, I have found a way to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice yet whose memory has not been honored. As the Chair of the Western New York chapter, American Red Cross Service to Armed Forces (SAF) Committee, I help to organize events to honor them.

A special section in Lewiston’s Riverdale Cemetery, purchased by the former Niagara Falls chapter, American Red Cross, honors those who died in World War I but had no family to claim them. For years, the memory of those buried in this section was neglected. Now, the WNY Chapter of the American Red Cross annually honors the sacrifice of these 82 veterans. Volunteers plant flowers on their graves during the Memorial Day weekend. These gravesites surround an American Red Cross monument erected by the former Chapter to honor these unclaimed veterans. The monument’s inscription reads:


In memory of those who gave their lives and of those who served and fought in the great world’s war, 1914-1918. That democracy might live and peace and justice reign.

In December of each year, Red Cross volunteers conduct Wreaths Across America, where all services are honored, harkening back to the collective experience in World War I. We encourage every volunteer who places a wreath on a veteran's grave to say that veteran’s name aloud and take a moment to thank them for their service to our country. It's a small act that goes a long way toward keeping the memory of our veterans alive, and I encourage you to say the name of someone who paid the ultimate sacrifice. If you do not know of anyone, consider some of those buried at the Riverdale Cemetery:

Privates Earl O. Jarden (Lost Battalion of the 308th Infantry Regiment), Vincent Cirrito, Roy B. Secord, Stephen Wojtucki, (all served in the 77th Infantry Division known as the “Statute of Liberty Division” and the 78th Infantry Division, nicknamed the Lighting Division, comprised mainly of soldiers from New York State), Sergeant Richard Arvaniti (22nd Infantry Regiment served as part of the 3rd Division of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) in France including the Meuse-Argonne offensive – the largest offensive operation in US history involving over 1 million soldiers).

Remember, we do not do this to decorate graves.

Each evening at the Menin battlefield gate at Ypres, Belgium, a special ceremony honors the fallen who rest there. Words from the fourth verse of Laurence Binyon’s poem For the Fallen are read:


“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.”


As you enjoy the time spent with family and friends, please reflect on the freedoms we share and remember the fallen, particularly those who have no one to remember them.


Written by: Robert E. Pecoraro. Robert retired as a Colonel from the United States Air Force in 2012 and moved home to WNY with his wife, Laura. He currently serves as Chair of the Service to the Armed Forces (SAF) committee for the WNY chapter of the American Red Cross of Western New York.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Military Appreciation Month: Local Red Crosser bringing a piece of home to servicemembers overseas

The mission of the American Red Cross was born on the battlefield, with founder Clara Barton providing support to soldiers on Civil War battlefields. More than 140 years later, it’s a mission that the Red Cross proudly carries to this day through Service to the Armed Forces. The focus of that mission is to support military members, veterans and their families throughout all stages of their military career.

From helping to connect families with servicemembers during life’s emergencies through the Hero Care Network, to building care kits and connecting veterans and military families with critical resources here at home and providing support to veterans at our nation’s VA hospitals, the Red Cross is there. Red Crossers like Darla Roote are also stationed across the globe to help support U.S. servicemembers to bring help and hope (and a little bit of home) to those men and women stationed overseas.

As a Service to the Armed Forces Program Specialist for the Western New York region who retired in 2022 with 40 years of military service, Darla is currently on a six-month deployment helping to support U.S. military members stationed in Poland. Darla left in February for Poland to help bring a piece of home to nearly 1,200 men and women living on three U.S. military bases in Poland. This Military Appreciation Month, Darla gave an update on some of the connections she’s made so far, activities she has planned to help bring some levity to our troops and what she’s learned along the way.

Given your military experience, was there an adjustment period for you and how has your deployment gone so far?

The trip over was good. I made it and stepped right into it! My predecessor did a really good job with what she had and was building it up. Now, I’m building a space for one base, and I’ve almost got a space for another. That one really needs something as the only thing that have is an MWR (Morale, Welfare & Recreation) and it’s also a tent base. At the moment, I don’t have transportation. I did all the training for the driver’s license and right now we’re working on an MOU with the USO because they have a Jeep, so I can use that to get between the three bases. It can be hard to get to some of those outlying areas.

What does a typical day look like for you?

In the morning and lunch, I sit with people at breakfast to chat and say ‘have a good day,’ just so they see me. While everyone is out working on their mission, I’m making flyers and planning events that I’m going to have. It’s mingling and planning events – most of them are on the weekend, because that’s when most of them are here. I do have some evening events, too. It really depends on the day and what they’re [soldiers] are doing, if they are out on a mission and many of them are it can change.

Talk about some of the events you’ve planned for those on base, and some upcoming projects you have planned.

Line dancing! Line dancing has gone really well! We’ve also got a murder mystery coming up. It’s cowboy themed, so it will fit in with the line dancing, but it’s murder mystery for up to 20 people. Hopefully, more come in and watch and they’ll mingle and relax.

We have a great volunteer with the line dancing and it’s really been building. More and more people are coming in and trying it and even though we are all screwing it up – it’s a lot of fun. It’s a great feeling because I’m giving them options. You don’t have to sit in your room. And with the new space open, those who want to sit some place quiet and read a book, they can do that, too. It’s not a huge space, but it’s quiet and they can relax. I even got blankets, because I don’t care if it’s 90 degrees out, if I sit down with a book, I want a blanket! 

We have sports and yoga on Sundays, we do a walking club on Saturday. We also have another paint and sip scheduled for this month, along with trivia and s’mores by the fire. We’re collaborating with the USO and MWR on a few events – we’ll have a big sports day for Armed Forces Day. Long-term, though, my priority is to help secure some spaces for the next person to get in and help to start them up. I’m also really pushing for a car [to help get between bases]. That’s pretty high on my priority list.

What have you taken away from this deployment with the Red Cross as someone who has also served in the military?

You know, these guys are great and they’re doing fairly good. There are some that are struggling just being away from home. They’re young – some are just 19-20 years old. When I first came, I thought it might be better if I didn’t broadcast that I had a military background because I didn’t necessarily want to say, ‘Hey, I’m just like you!’” I think that was a mistake. I think there were some who might have looked at me as a do-gooder, but not someone who has necessarily been in their shoes. So, I’ve been spreading the word that yes, I was in the military, and I have been in your shoes, and I get it.

May is Military Appreciation Month. What would you like readers to know about the service men and women you’re helping to support through your role with the Red Cross?

These guys are great. They are here for the mission they understand they’re here for the mission and when they’re tasked to do something – you don’t hear complaints. They are up and at ‘em. I was talking to one guy who said he had to leave at 3:45 am and he said, ‘it’s the way it goes.’ They’re very resilient in what they have to do and just keeping the busy is the thing we have to do. They’re a great group of kids.

You can learn more and help support military members, veterans and their families through Service to the Armed Forces this Military Appreciation Month and year-round here

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Trauma Awareness Month: 2x Blood Recipient & Long-Time Donor Inspiring a New Generation of Donors

May signals the beginning of a busy time for celebrations and summer holidays, including Mother’s Day. But the month of May is also Trauma Awareness Month, a time where the American Red Cross reminds donors that it’s the blood already on the shelves that helps to save lives during emergencies. 

Few people may understand that better than Paula Pimm.

The Canisteo resident first found herself in need of a lifesaving blood transfusion when she was just hours old.

“My first blood transfusion was when I was born,” she explains. “I couldn’t reproduce my own blood cells. I was jaundiced and transferred to Rochester. As the youngest of five kids, it was hard for my parents, and I needed transfusions until my body was able to work like it needed to.”

Years later, the elementary school counselor, wife and proud mother of two daughters would find herself in need of a transfusion again due to complications in childbirth.

“I was bleeding so much, and they couldn’t stop it. My doctor was a very calm man, nothing really ruffled his feathers, but he told me that I was going to deal with some difficulties because it was serious. They made my husband stay in the room with me my whole stay, and those things didn’t happen as much 22 years ago. By the time they stitched me up three hours later, I was white as a ghost.”

For Pimm, much of the experience itself was a blur and she credits her faith in helping her to pull through. But in recounting her story more than two decades later, she recalls one detail in particular that stood out to her husband.

“One of the things that my husband remembers is that my doctor actually called for two units of blood, and literally the blood bank at the hospital asked, ‘Are you sure you need two?’ It was the month of May, heading into the summer months, and I’m sure they were probably thinking that things might be low and maybe had to question whether to send two even with the circumstance that was happening.”

Thankfully, Mom and baby were healthy and continue to be to this day. Pimm shares that both her daughters got married in the last 18 months. It was at her daughter’s wedding that she also got to share a special dance with her father, John, her inspiration for donating lifesaving blood to fellow patients in need since she was just 17 years old.

“Whenever he could he donated. He was up to three gallons when I was a kid. When I was in fifth grade, he had a massive heart attack and in his open-heart surgery he needed a blood transfusion. So, as soon as I turned 17 and was able to donate, I started.”

As a regular donor at Red Cross blood drives at her school, it’s a story that Pimm proudly shares with fellow staff and many first-time donors, particularly high school seniors, because the blood on the shelves that could go to help a friend or loved one – might very well be their own.

“People were willing to do it for me and my Dad, so I want to help other people and give back to them in those times. I am so thankful for whoever it was that donated for me, and my Dad. He’s still alive today. As a baby, I could not have made it but then, as a new mom with a toddler and a newborn, my husband could have been raising them alone. I am a counselor and I like to help people! It’s a small way to help, but what an easy way to give back.”

While no one can predict when an emergency or accident might happen, donors can help hospitals stay prepared and stocked with blood products this spring and year-round. Donors of all types – especially those giving type O blood or platelets – are vital to patients counting on blood products for critical medical procedures. During this busy time of year especially, every single donation can help keep the blood supply stable for patients in need. You can make an appointment to help provide lifesaving care by visiting, downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor app or calling 1-800-RED CROSS today.

Written by: Meg Rossman, Regional Communications Manager, American Red Cross of WNY