Monday, August 22, 2011

My favorite!

Photo courtesy of

Presentations are a big part of my position here at the American Red Cross, and over the months I have developed specific passions for sections of each presentation I give.  For example, my favorite part of the Be Red Cross Ready presentation is the “get a kit” portion.  Why you ask? I a very hands on person, and my audience always seem to come alive when I start asking for volunteers to come up and pull items out of my To Go kit.  Not only do they get to get up and stretch their legs, but it's always very interesting, and sometimes humerus, to hear what people, young and old, would use items such as a bag or rubber-bands for during an emergency. 

By the end of this show and tell portion, there are cans, bottles of water, emergency blankets, socks, play money (which is in my kit to represent real money!), granola bars, and books splayed over desks, but I try to save my favorite item for last... my radio!! 

Now, every emergency kit should have a battery or crank powered radio in it so that if the power goes out, you'll still be able to know what is going on in the community.  But I just happen to have a super fantastically deluxe version, which always inspires” ooo’s” and “ahh’s” from my audiences. 

This handy gadget, pictured above, has a built in LED light, a red flashing strobe light, 4 different power sources (crank power, batteries, electric, and solar power), a USB cell phone charger, NOAA weather-band with alert, and an AM/FM digital tuner!! And to top it all off, it is red!   

Do you have a favorite item in your emergency kit? If yes, please share below!!

Don’t have an emergency kit yet? Click here to get more information on how to make one!
Want to get one of these handy all in one radios? Click here to order one!

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